
Jason Gabriel
Science Fiction, Fantasy
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- Member Since
Nov 2023
- Gender
- Country
United States
- Profession
Jason Gabriel lives in the Midwest. He has been writing Fantasy and Sci-Fi stories for 40+ years. He collects books in both genres, and as his collection continues to grow, he has realized that he needs a bigger office. He loves to watch TV, if it is Sci-Fi or Fantasy. He has watched everything that exists on every service he has, even if it was terrible. Jason has a wife who understands his obsession with the genres. He has two college age daughters who do not.
Jason has a dog who thinks he is a cat, a cat who thinks he is a dog, and another cat that does not think at all. Jason likes red wine, beer, and brandy. He enjoys them in that order but not on the same night. He rides his bike when he is not writing, watching TV or playing board games. He rides about forty miles a week when the weather cooperates. When it does not, he thinks wistfully about the beach.